
Honoring Earth Day 2022

Honoring Earth Day 2022

At Chaddsford Winery, we celebrate Earth Day, every day! As our business grows, we're mindful of our impact and committed to honoring nature's bounty. Learn more about some of the ways in which we are moving towards eco-friendlier solutions below. 


We strive to use sustainable practices across every facet of our company including the exclusive use of regionally grown fruit from to lower our carbon footprint. The majority of our growers are based in Pennsylvania Lake Erie and Chester County regions. Many of our family-farm growers engage in sustainable farming practices to help retain long-term soil quality, minimize the use of pesticides and herbicides, and manage drift.

Water and Waste Management

Our production facility can utilize thousands of gallons of water per day.  We have implemented numerous conservation protocols that help us to efficiently manage our water usage during both production and cleaning.  Some of these processes have helped reduce our water usage by 30-40%.


The majority of our wines are in Eco-Glass, an innovative, lightweight wine bottle that’s made with 25% less glass than standard wine bottles. Eco-Glass weighs significantly less than a standard bottle and requires much less fuel to transport.


All our facilities participate in comprehensive recycling programs for glass, aluminum, and cardboard.  In 2021, we launched a partnership with Remark Glass and Bottle Underground; a zero-waste, woman-owned glass studio and non-profit, dedicated to recycling glass bottles into new household items or artwork. 

Wine Kegging

We're thrilled to introduce our wine kegging program in 2022! Through this initiative, we aim to reduce the volume of packaged glass used for wine poured at our main location and seasonal outposts.  More details to follow in the upcoming months! 

There's still so much room for growth and we will continue to share our progress as we evolve and work towards our sustainability goals. We hope you'll join us.